Li, H., T. He and G. D. Spence, 2014. North Cascadia heat flux and fluid flow from gas hydrates: Modeling 3-D topographic effects. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 119(1): 99-115. (国际SCI收录)
He, T., H. Li and C. Zou, 2014. 3D topographic correction of the BSR heat flow and detection of focused fluid flow. Applied Geophysics, 11(2): 197-206. (国内SCI收录)
Kong F, He T, Spence G. Application of deep-towed multichannel seismic system for gas hydrate on mid-slope of northern Cascadia margin. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences. 2012, 55(5): 758-769. (国内SCI)
孔繁达, 何涛, G. D. Spence, 深拖曳多道地震系统在北Cascadia边缘陆坡天然气水合物勘探中的应用. 中国科学: 地球科学, 2012, 42(3): 331-342.
何涛, 史謌, 邹长春, 任科英, 裴发根, 地层条件下砂岩储层的AVO响应模板,2011. 太阳集团娱乐官方网站学报(自然科学版): 47(5): 837-844.
何涛, 史謌, 邹长春, 任科英, 裴发根, 2011. 砂岩储层AVO特征影响因素的不确定性研究. 地球物理学报, 54(6): 1584-1591. (国内SCI收录)
孔繁达, 何涛, 姜洪福, 2011. 薄互层水平井测井电阻率的各向异性校正. 太阳集团娱乐官方网站学报(自然科学版), 47(3): 302-308.
Pei, F., C. Zou, T. He, L. Pan, K. Xiao and G. Shi, 2011. Experimental study of the relationship between fluid density and saturation and sonic wave velocity of rock samples from the WXS Depression,South China Sea. Petroleum Science, 8(01): 43-48. (国内SCI收录)
He, T., C. Zou, F. Pei, K. Ren, F. Kong and G. Shi, 2010. Laboratory study on fluid viscosity induced ultrasonic velocity dispersion in reservoir sandstones. Applied Geophysics, 7(2): : 114-126. (国内SCI收录)
Pei, F. G., C. C. Zou, T. He, G. Shi, G. G. Qiu and K. Y. Ren, 2010. Fluid sensitivity study of elastic parameters in low-medium porosity and permeability reservoir rocks. Applied Geophysics, 7(1): 1-9. (国内SCI收录)
He, T., G. D. Spence, W. T. Wood, M. Riedel and R. D. Hyndman, 2009. Imaging a hydrate-related cold vent offshore Vancouver Island from deep-towed multichannel seismic data. Geophysics, 74(2): B23-B36. (国际SCI收录)
He, T., Spence, G.D., Riedel, M., Hyndman, R.D., and Chapman, N.R., 2007. Fluid flow and origin of a carbonate mound offshore Vancouver Island: Seismic and heat flow constraints. Marine Geology, 239, 83–98. (国际SCI收录)
Riedel, M., Willoughby, E.C., Chen, M.A., He, T., Novosel, I., Schwalenberg, K., Hyndman, R.D., Spence, G.D., Chapman, N.R. and R.N. Edwards. 2006. Gas Hydrate on the Northern Cascadia Margin: Regional geophysics and structural framework. Proc. IODP, 311: Washington, DC. (包含在单行本专著中)
史謌, 何涛, 仵岳奇, 柳建华, 马勇. 用正演数值计算方法开展双侧向测井对裂缝的响应研究. 地球物理学报, 2004, 47(2): 359-363.(国内SCI收录)