2012.09-2016.07 西北大学 勘查技术与工程
2016.09-2019.07 中国地质大学(北京) 地质工程
2019.09-2024.01 中国矿业大学(北京) 岩土工程
1.Wang, S., Li, Q.*, Dong, J., Wang, J., Wang, M., 2021. Comparative investigation on deformation monitoring and numerical simulation of the deepest excavation in Beijing[J]. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 80, 1233-1247.
2.Zhang, N., Wang, S.*, Wu, J., Li, Z., Wang, X., 2024. Full-Scale Pore Structure Characterization and Its Impact on Methane Adsorption Capacity and Seepage Capability: Differences between Shallow and Deep Coal from the Tiefa Basin in Northeastern China[J]. Fractal and Fractional 8(1), 48.
3.Zhang, N., Wang, S.*, Li, Z., Guo, S., Wang, R., 2023. Application of Multifractal Theory for Determination of Fluid Movability of Coal-Measure Sedimentary Rocks Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)[J]. Fractal and Fractional 7(7), 503.
4.Zhang, N., Wang, S.*, Zhao, F., Sun, X., He, M., 2023. Pore Structure and Fractal Characteristics of Coal-Measure Sedimentary Rocks Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry (MIP)[J]. Energies 16(9), 3812.
5.Zhang, N.,Wang, X.,Wang, S.*; Wang R.,Wu, J.,Li, Z.,Song,Y., 2024.Multifractal characteristics on pore structure of Longmaxi shale using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)[J].Geoenergy Science and Engineering241, 213176.
6.Zhang, N.,Guo, S.,Wang, S.*;Tong, Y.,Li, Z.,Wu, J., 2024.Fractal and Multifractal Characteristics on Pore Structure of Coal- Based Sedimentary Rocks Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance[J].SPE Journal29(5), 2624-2637.